>www.sobegajic.rs - sobe za izdavanje u Sremskim Karlovcima

- Trim trail is located within the Royal Garden sports complex which is a pleasant 700 meter walk away from the accommodation 'Gajić'.

- The complex contains open concrete basketball and football courts as well as a volleyball tartan court. Athletic track surrounds the sports fields.

- Playground for children is located between the open sports grounds and the jogging paths and is framed by the lovely greenery of the Royal Garden's park.

- Conveniently located nearby, the river Danube provides opportunities for sports fishing on quiet or open water.

- The most famous picnic ground of Stražilovo is only a pleasant 4 km hike away and the Danube offers its scenic banks for lovely walks.

- Tourist Organization of Sremski Karlovci organizes extensive walking tours in Fruška Gora.

- Stay on the sandy island, the island, on the Danube, where you can take a taxi-boat and enjoy by the river.

Mountaineering map of Fruška gora
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